Sunday, November 29, 2009


I don't know how to deal with this.
I wish i did.

I wish life was simple.
Yet. We are cursed.
Physically and emotionally.

Cursed to experience pain, anger, dissapointment,
frustration, sadness, grief.

And yet through all the hurt emerges the ability to experience joy.
Happiness, laughter, pleasure, bliss.

For without one, cannot the other be experienced.

And for that, we must be grateful.
Grateful for all the trials and tribulations life throws at us.

Yet, even with this knowledge, I can not seem to find the joy in this.
The hurt is still there. Raw and strong.
May it be through the reconciliation?
The struggle to mend the way?
The final product?

What a wretched thing it is to feel.
And, yet, this is how we know we are still human.
Living, breathing humans.

"All that i know is i'm beathing.
All i can do is keep breathing"

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