Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Birthday Suit.

Yesterday, after having taken a shower, I walked back to my room to find the door shut and locked. The wind had blown it closed and my key was inside. For an hour and a half, I knew what it was like to live with a toga as my only form of clothing.

It was different to say the least. I'm not usually one to lay around in a towel for long periods of time. But, I must say, other than the fact that I was locked out of my room, the experience was quite enjoyable. I began to realize why it is that children run away and tear off their clothing and proceed to run around buck naked. Not going to lie, the Greeks had it when it came to living free. Not that I don't like my clothing, but, if I had the option, I would roam the lands in just a toga.

Unfortunately for me, there were men doing maintenance in the courtyards and the honor code doesn't really care if you're locked out with just a towel wrapped around you, I was not to be seen, which meant I couldn't leave. Another downer, noone could find an RA. So, I was stuck in my teeny little hall with nothing to do but contemplate life and split ends. At one point, one of the workers came to work in the bathrooms and passed me in the hallway. He paused. We made eye contact. He gave me a weird look. I looked at him in "well-what-do-you-suggest-I-do" way. And he walked on. I'd like to think this was a no-awkward situation. But lets be real. These are mormons and I was wrapped in a towel. Fortunately for me, my dear ol' roomie arrived and saved the day.


  1. Hahahahahaha
    Mormons and awkwardness - the BEST combination.

    P.S. Who is your roommate?

  2. awww Lucy, you could've sprinted down to my room and come to visit me :) and haha worn my bball shorts &&& humungo t shirts that i know you luff :)
