Friday, April 23, 2010

Never too late.

I have always loved it.
It used to be natural.
It was what I did for fun, for pleasure.
It was what I did to escape the world, and its troubles.
It was what I did to reflect and immerse myself in my thoughts.
My runs were one, if not, my favorite part of my day.
Sometimes it was with buddies.
Sometimes it was just me and the trail.
College happened.
And Lucy lost her discipline.
Soon she was not running. At all.
This was a very sad time in Lucy's life.
She missed it. And would sometimes hit the gym.
But she missed her trails,
and was losing the confidence and the bond she once had with running.
Almost a 3/4 of a year later,
She is severely out of shape
and carrying some extra baggage
This is changing.
I am back at home.
And back on the trails.
I don't want to blame it on the lack of trails in Hawaii
because there were some fabulous trails that we would hike and bike.
But East Coast trails are special.
Especially the W&OD and Sugarland trails.
They are my favorite.
Point is,
I am running.
I am happy.

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