I can officially say that i did it.
Well. Kind of.
Originally I was set on doing the whole thing.
I had invited some friends along for the ride.
And i think they were eager.
However. at the mention of rain.
{by the unrealiable weather.com}
They shied away.
However. They agreed to go for a bike ride around town.
What was set to be maybe an hour bike ride.
and continued.
until before we knew it.
we were in arlington!
However we decided to pause and visit a friend.
where we rested our jelly legs.
while i reallyREALLYREALLY wanted to finish it through
we decided it might be best to drive in.
so off to D.C. we went.
we attempted {and failed} to fly a kite.
played lots of frisbee.
looked at future homes for Lucy.
watched the police stop quite a few cars.
other than the one that almost crashed into us.
and overall had a lovely time.
cannot wait til the next adventure to D.C.!
also. while playing frisbee we spotted a young couple on their knees
searching for a lost item.
thay had been at this for a while and seem to have no luck.
so, i went over to inquire if my help could be used.
the woman had lost a pendant given to her by her sister.
they were near ready to give up.
moments later the pendant was found!
while i cannot take credit for finding the lost item
could it be that i am lucky?
i like to think so.